Bleaching system
# Zion Pvt. Ltd

Zion Pvt. Ltd Bleaching system zion-pvt-ltd

Streamlined design directly mounts to dental unit to save space or stand type. State of the art LED based tooth whitening system LED whitening arch designed to whiten the whole interior area of the patient\\\'s mouth Full mouth whitening : the wide scale design full mouth whitening for each treatment Specialized whitening cold blue lights, low heat remain to ensure the patient\\\'s comfort Total 8 blue LEd lights, supplying platitudinous cold light luminescence Fully customizable & Fast single visit bleaching procedure with easy whitening kit Cost effective, no bulbs to replace with long LED life of 50,000 hrs User friendly LCD display control panel for easy to use whitening functions

MOQ: 2
Qty.Range (unit) Price (per unit) Discount
1 9000.00 500



Power Supply : 110V or 240V 50/60Hz
Weight : 18.5Kg
Size : 142 cm Height x 63cm Wide x 125 cm Arm Length
Wave Length : 462-490nm LCD Control Panel
Output Power Adjustment : 40% / 50% / 60% to 100%
Time : 5 minutes to 30 minutes 4 LED Upper & LED Lower (you can on / off upper & lower Led for your convenience)
Power : 30W


15 days


90 Days on booking
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Product Description

Power Supply : 110V or 240V 50/60Hz
Weight : 18.5Kg
Size : 142 cm Height x 63cm Wide x 125 cm Arm Length
Wave Length : 462-490nm LCD Control Panel
Output Power Adjustment : 40% / 50% / 60% to 100%
Time : 5 minutes to 30 minutes 4 LED Upper & LED Lower (you can on / off upper & lower Led for your convenience)
Power : 30W

15 days
90 Days on booking