Home > Dental Clinic > Ariadaha, Kolkata > Punith Dental Clinic
Treatment Type: Tooth Fillings
Treatment Type: Dental Implants
Treatment Type: Dental Implants
Treatment Type: Dental Implants
A root canal is a treatment used to repair and save a tooth that is badly decayed or becomes infected. During a root canal procedure, the nerve and pulp are removed and the inside of the tooth is cleaned and sealed. Without treatment, the tissue surrounding the tooth will become infected and abscesses may form
This patient had lost upper left front tooth and wanted a long lasting solution. A dental implant was placed in the region and a crown was given. Patient was very happy with the appearance and comfort. This tooth has been functional for more than 5 years now and is as highly efficient.
Before ImageCeramic Veneers are thin shells of ceramic material and in this case are used to mask discoloration of upper front teeth
Before ImageImplant supported fixed teeth are firm, natural looking and relieve the patient from the discomfort of loose, rocking dentures with bulky plates or base
Before ImageMultiple missing teeth can be replaced with implant supported bridge. All the benefits of natural appearance, stability, long life are ensured.
Before ImageSmile Designing procedures include various procedures ultimately aimed at enhancing the beauty of the smile of an individual.
Before ImageHari Ortho Dental Care is proud to celebrate
its 20th anniversary. On this occasion we are very happy to announce lots of
offers for the month of October and November 2013 to all our beloved
Family dental
consultation-10% off
OPGs, Digital radiographs--10%
Free Scaling Procedure
Before In-Office Bleaching
Procedure-Edgewise appliance and Lingual Orthodontics-5% off
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Case Study
A root canal is a treatment used to repair and save a tooth that is badly decayed or becomes infected. During a root canal procedure, the nerve and pulp are removed and the inside of the tooth is cleaned and sealed. Without treatment, the tissue surrounding the tooth will become infected and abscesses may form
This patient had lost upper left front tooth and wanted a long lasting solution. A dental implant was placed in the region and a crown was given. Patient was very happy with the appearance and comfort. This tooth has been functional for more than 5 years now and is as highly efficient.
Before ImageCeramic Veneers are thin shells of ceramic material and in this case are used to mask discoloration of upper front teeth
Before ImageImplant supported fixed teeth are firm, natural looking and relieve the patient from the discomfort of loose, rocking dentures with bulky plates or base
Before ImageMultiple missing teeth can be replaced with implant supported bridge. All the benefits of natural appearance, stability, long life are ensured.
Before ImageSmile Designing procedures include various procedures ultimately aimed at enhancing the beauty of the smile of an individual.
Before ImageFacilities
Hari Ortho Dental Care is proud to celebrate
its 20th anniversary. On this occasion we are very happy to announce lots of
offers for the month of October and November 2013 to all our beloved
Family dental
consultation-10% off
OPGs, Digital radiographs--10%
Free Scaling Procedure
Before In-Office Bleaching
Procedure-Edgewise appliance and Lingual Orthodontics-5% off
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