Dental Blog

Oral Health In Diabetics


Guide to Cause, Management and Treatment


People with diabetes know that their condition can affect eyes, nerves, heart, kidneys and other important systems in their body but little would they know that this disease can have many an adverse effect on their oral health. Diabetics always have a higher chance of having Periodontal (gum) disease, an infection of the gum and bone that hold the teeth in place. In this blog, we will study the cause, symptoms, management, and treatment of Periodontitis - The advanced gum disease.


Causes of Periodontal Disease


Periodontal condition, is the most common dental disorder affecting people with diabetes, affecting approximately 1/4th of the diabetic population. The condition arises due to the fact that the oral bacteria (present in all humans in millions) in the mouth infect the gums and in a chronic condition, this inflammatory disorder can destroy the gums, all tissues holding your teeth and even the bones. With advancing age and poor blood sugar control, increases the risk for gum problems. As with all infections in diabetics, any serious gum disease will cause blood sugar to rise. This makes diabetes harder to control because you are more susceptible to infections and are less able to fight the bacteria invading the gums.


A 2013 study published in the journal of BMC Oral Health, found that a combination of the period of time a patient has diabetes, the higher levels blood glucose, and higher hemoglobin A1C (a measurement of a person’s average blood sugar over three months), these patients are more likely to have periodontal disease and dental bleeding. In addition, evidence supports the observation that periodontal infections contribute to problems with glycemic control.


People with diabetes who often take antibiotics to fight infections are more likely to get this fungal infection of the mouth and tongue. The fungus thrives on the high levels of sugar in the saliva of people with uncontrolled diabetes. It can give your mouth and tongue a burning feeling.




Longtime Diabetics should be sure to take time to check their mouth regularly for any problems. Sometimes people notice that their gums appear swollen and bleed when they brush and floss. Others notice dryness, soreness, white patches, or a bad taste in the mouth. All of these are reasons to visit a dentist. In severe cases, there may also be tooth loss because of abscess in the gums




Regular dental visits are important. Research indicates that treating gum disease can help improve blood sugar control in sugar patients, thereby decreasing the progression of the disease. Practicing good oral hygiene and having professional deep cleanings done by your dentist can help to lower your HbA1c.


Here are few oral health tips to manage your gum condition and control your diabetes to avoid this condition


  • Maintain your blood sugar levels, by regularly taking diabetes-related medications as directed, moving to a healthier diet and increasing physical activity. Good blood sugar control will help your body fight any bacterial or fungal infections in your mouth and help relieve dry mouth caused by diabetes.

  • Avoid/Give up smoking. Smoking in diabetes patients aggravates the condition and hampers the gum healing so best is to give up smoking for better oral/overall health

  • Keep your dentures clean. If you wear any type of denture ensure it is cleaned every day, at least once.

  • Make sure to brush twice a day with a soft brush and clean between your teeth daily. Maintain dental hygiene regularly.

  • Visit your dentist regularly at least twice a year to monitor the condition of your gums.




Treatments for oral health conditions related to diabetes depend on the condition and its severity. For example, periodontal disease can be treated with a procedure called scaling and root planing. This is a deep cleaning method that removes tartar from above and below the gum line. Your dentist may also prescribe antibiotic treatments. More rarely, people with the advanced periodontal disease need gum surgery. This can prevent tooth loss.


Many treatments are no different from those recommended for patients without diabetes. Dentist in JP Nagar, Dentist in Jayanagar can help in resolving these challenges. However, managing patients with diabetes does require more rigorous follow-up, more aggressive interventional therapy rather than observation, regular communication with physicians and greater attention to prevention. Patients with diabetes, particularly those with a history of poor glycemic control and oral infections, require more frequent recall visits and fastidious attention to acute oral infections.


You can search for the right periodontists in your locality by searching on India Dental World a one-stop for all dental healthcare needs. You can look at the profile of the surgeon, book online appointments with the chosen dental surgeon. By registering at this portal you can maintain your basic EMR, and can view all your dental records as well as stored by your surgeon.