Dental Blog

Why Early Childhood Dental Visits Are So Important?


For a lifetime of healthy teeth and gums, it takes a lifetime of personal and professional care. It is the responsibility of parents to not take the oral health of their children casually and take all measures to ensure that their children do not suffer when they grow up.

Among many parents, there is a misconception that temporary baby teeth are not a matter of concern. This perception needs to change. When it comes to the health of your child, prevention is always better than cure. This is why you must consider taking professional help as soon as the first tooth erupts and start regular dental visits. You may find several experienced dentist in Bangalore who will help you take good care of your child’s smile from the early days.    

There are several highly qualified dentists in Rajajinagar and other localities in Bangalore who can guide you with the right steps in taking care of your child’s dental health. Here are few reasons why your child needs early pediatric visits:


Taking Oral Health Seriously From the Early Days Of Your Child

The American Dental Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics believe that every child should visit a dentist by the age of 1 or as soon as the first tooth appears. Early pediatric visits instigate a better sense of oral care in parents and help them teach their children the right habits when it comes to ensuring health and hygiene of teeth and gums.


Healthy Development of Teeth

Healthy baby teeth make proper way for permanent teeth to grow. Timely pediatric visits will help you take precautionary measures and detect dental problems early on to maintain proper development of teeth and gums. Too early or delayed loss of primary teeth is also a matter of concern which can be taken care by your dentist before it’s too late.   


Prevention from Cavities

In a young age when children get fascinated to eat chocolates and ice creams, proper dental care can prevent their teeth from cavities. This will also save you from expensive orthodontic treatments like braces, space maintainers in later years.


Prevention from Other Serious Dental Problems 

Irregular growth of teeth may lead to misaligned teeth, crowded teeth and other issues that must be taken care of before they arise. A dental problem may also be an indication of calcium deficiency, diabetes and more. Routine dental check-ups help you avoid these issues.

Regular dental visits are imperative for good oral health and if you plan to visit a dental clinic in Rajajinagar or any other locality in Bangalore, visit India Dental World to choose the best dental clinic suitable for your child.