Preventive orthodontics aims at allowing the permanent teeth to erupt in their correct positions. If required, this procedure involves:
Removal of selected milk teeth to create space for eruption of permanent teeth at their designated place.
In case of early loss of milk teeth maintenance of space created by them till the permanent teeth erupt in proper position.
What is interceptive orthodontics?
The common practice of correcting bad bites and teeth crowding, is to wait till all permanent teeth erupt. It was often necessary to extract four permanent teeth to correct the bite when growth was nearly complete. In cases with short or too big jaws, the profile correction was often limited because of the lack of growth.
Interceptive orthodontics is a more recent concept where certain problems are treated early (around age 7-11) to take advantage of growth.
This can result in:
Fewer teeth extracted.
Better profile and facial aesthetics.
Great full smiles.
In this concept, orthopedic appliances are used that guide jaw growth to ideal levels thus allowing the permanent teeth to erupt in their proper places reducing teeth crowding or other teeth alignment problems. This specialty of orthodontics is known as Dentofacial orthopedics.
What is two phase orthodontics?
Children sometimes exhibit early signs of jaw problems as they grow and develop. These problems include:
An upper or lower jaw that is growing too much,
Not growing enough,
There is not enough room for all the teeth to erupt.
Two phase orthodontics is a special approach to treat these problems.
First phase of treatment
Growth discrepancies are taken care of. This is done at the age of 7-12 years for the child. This is also called interceptive orthodontic treatment.
This phase is followed by resting period when rests of the permanent teeth are allowed to erupt.
Second phase of treatment
Irregularities in the teeth alignment are corrected. This phase of treatment is initiated after the eruption of permanent teeth. This is comprehensive orthodontic treatment. Fixed braces are fixed over teeth for proper teeth alignment.
Two phase orthodontics helps in preventing lot of growth related issues which otherwise need surgical intervention at a later age for correction.
What is first phase Orthodontics?
The goal of First phase orthodontic treatment is to develop the jaws in order to accommodate all the permanent teeth and to properly relate the upper and lower jaws to each other. Because children are growing rapidly, they can benefit enormously from an early phase of orthodontic treatment utilizing appliances to direct the growth relationship of the upper jaw to the lower jaw.Thus, a good foundation can be established providing adequate room for the eruption of the permanent teeth.
Benefits of Early Interceptive Orthodontics:
Guide jaw growth
Lower the risk of trauma to protruded front teeth
Correct harmful oral habits
Improve appearance and self-esteem
Guide permanent teeth into a more favorable position
Improve the way lips meet
Orthodontic records will be necessary to determine the type of appliances to be used, the length of treatment, and as baseline information since the shape of the jaws will be altered. Records consist of models of the teeth, X-Rays, and photographs.
What is resting phase?
The permanent teeth are allowed to erupt in between the 1st and 2nd phases. Growth is monitored during this Transition Period.
Retainers are worn to maintain the result of the 1st phase until interferences with eruption of the remaining teeth is observed. A successful 1st phase will have created room for the permanent teeth to find a favorable eruption path. Otherwise, impaction or severe displacements of teeth are possible.
Remember that at the end of the 1st phase the permanent teeth are not in their final positions. This is because there are usually up to 16 permanent teeth that have yet to erupt that we have no control over.
Thus, the final positions of the teeth will be determined and accomplished in the 2nd phase of treatment. It is important to continue observation of the erupting teeth and the frequency of appointments varies from person to person.
What is Second Phase Orthodontics?
The goal of the second phase of orthodontic treatment is to place the teeth into equilibrium such that they will function together properly, be healthy, and look attractive.
Each tooth has a location within the mouth where it is in harmony with the lips, cheeks, tongue, and other teeth. As was the case in the 1st phase, orthodontic records are necessary to establish the appropriate diagnosis and treatment plan.
This 2nd phase is usually initiated once all the permanent teeth have erupted and usually requires braces on all the teeth for a period of time ranging from 12-18 months.
Two phase orthodontics involves changing jaw structure and jaw relationship to create a more favorable environment for the eruption of a full permanent dentition.
Potential advantages to this approach are a reduction of the overbite or under bite, allowing for more normal future jaw development, and the possibility that future treatment may not be needed.